
Thank you for your participation. The proposal is closed to new comments. We invite you to learn more about the next steps in the process here.

Dear Colleagues,

We invite your responses to the draft proposal for a revised structure for MLA divisions and discussion groups. The list has benefited from two rounds of consultation with members of the executive committees of current divisions and discussion groups and from the advice of a large number of members, whose comments played a major role in shaping the current document. Our thanks go to everyone who has helped with this effort and to our colleagues on the working group (which we cochair), the Program Committee, the MLA Executive Council, and the MLA staff. We very much hope you will help us in further refining the proposal, which will be available for comment on MLA Commons until 20 November.

We’ve attempted to anticipate some of the likely questions that people may have about the rationale behind the changes and the transition. Please note that the proposal addresses divisions and discussion groups only; the proposed changes do not affect allied organizations or forums and special sessions at the convention.

We encourage you to comment on the proposal, whether your suggestions or concerns are large or small, general or localized. Thank you again for participating; we look forward to reading your comments.

Yours cordially,

Marianne Hirsch, President
Margaret Ferguson, First Vice President

Members of the working group

  • Srinivas Aravamudan
  • David Bartholomae
  • Brent Edwards
  • Margaret Ferguson (cochair)
  • Carla Freccero
  • Marianne Hirsch (cochair)
  • Mary Louise Pratt
  • Richard Jean So
  • Patricia Yaeger
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Source: https://~^(?[\\w-]+\\.)?(?[\\w-]+)\\.hcommons.org$/introduction/